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Helper screen for an advanced user to do some advanced things with the database with SQL queries. You can retrieve data but also manipulate the data in the repository.

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
components System.ComponentModel.IContainer 1 - 1Required by the Windows Form Designer
TextBoxTableNo System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
DataGridViewExcel System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView 1 - 1--
Label2 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
Label1 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
OpenExcelFileDialog System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog 1 - 1--
TextBoxSQL System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
TabControl1 System.Windows.Forms.TabControl 1 - 1--
TabPage1 System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
SplitContainer1 System.Windows.Forms.SplitContainer 1 - 1--
ButtonExecute System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
ButtonLoad System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
TabPage2 System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
ButtonExportData System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
Label3 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxResult System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
ButtonSelect System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
TextBoxExcelFile System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
TextBoxConnection System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
GroupBox1 System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox 1 - 1--


