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Form for the settings of the HTML report generator.

Package TEA
Author Bert Dingemans
Alias --
Stereotypes --


Name Type Cardinality Description
components System.ComponentModel.IContainer 1 - 1Required by the Windows Form Designer
SaveFileDialogReport System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog 1 - 1--
DublicateTabControl System.Windows.Forms.TabControl 1 - 1--
TabPage4 System.Windows.Forms.TabPage 1 - 1--
ButtonPublish System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCreatePDF System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCombined System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
Label2 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxHTMLTemplate System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label1 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxHTMLPath System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label4 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxPDFCoverPage System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
Label3 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
TextBoxPDFTemplate System.Windows.Forms.TextBox 1 - 1--
ButtonSaveSettings System.Windows.Forms.Button 1 - 1--
CheckBoxCompositeClickable System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox 1 - 1--
Package System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
LabelPackage System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
Label7 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--
Label5 System.Windows.Forms.Label 1 - 1--


